
自体智齿作为鞍鼻畸形整复材料的实验研究 被引量:5

An experimental study of autogenous teeth as materials for treating saddle-nose deformity
摘要 目的:使用盐酸对自体智齿进行脱矿制作整复支架材料,观察脱矿不同时间(24 h、48 h)对牙齿化学性质的影响,对此支架材料进行初步性能评价。方法:选取临床近期拔除的健康的双根第三磨牙15颗,标记为A~O组,每颗牙齿沿长轴剖为体积约相等的四等份,分别记为A1、A2,A3、A4,B1,B2,B3,B4,依次类推,称重,每颗牙齿随机选取其中两部分做24 h脱矿,另外两部分做48 h脱矿,脱矿液为4%的盐酸,按1 g牙齿放入10 mL脱矿液的比例浸泡牙齿,每12h换液一次。使用X射线能谱仪(EDX)对材料中Ca的相对含量测定,评价矿物质的丢失情况;原位衰减全反射红外测试仪(ATR)进行材料有机物含量变化分析。结果:经过24 h脱矿的牙齿表面Ca相对含量高于48 h脱矿组,P﹤0.05,ATR结果显示无机物含量与EDX结果一致,有机物含量无明显变化。结论:在盐酸浓度不变的情况下,牙齿浸泡的时间会影响其表面矿物质的丢失量,从而影响其表面的软硬度,同时酸的浓度控制在一定范围时,对有机物不会造成破坏。 Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of different times (24 h,48 h)on chemical property of autogenous teeth when immersed in hydrochloric acid, so it can provide theoretical basis for the following analysis and clinical application. Method: Fifteen freshly extracted sound human third molar which have two roots from patients were chosen in this investigation,marked A-O. Parallel to the long axis of the teeth, each was divided into four similar parts marked A1,A2, A3,A4 and so on, and weighed. According to the scale of 1 g tooth immersed in 10ml hydrochloric acid, randomly selected two halves of one tooth as 24 h immersed,the other two halves as 48 h immersed,EDX and ATR were used for calcium assessment and the content of organic and inorganic respectively. Result: The relative content of ca in 24 h demineralization samples is higher than 48 h samples', P 〈 0.05, ATR shows the similar result of inorganic as EDX and the change of organic is small. Conclusion: Immersed in a constant concentration of hydrochloric acid, the loss of the mineral will be depended on the length of time, as well as the hardness of the teeth, and the inorganic won't be destroyed under a certain concentration.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2013年第6期341-343,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
基金 湖北省自然科学基金资助(303132046)
关键词 自体智齿 鞍鼻畸形 脱矿 化学性质 autogenous teeth saddle nose demineralization chemical property
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