介绍了利用随机共振原理检测微弱周期信号的基本原理,提出了一种强环境噪声背景下微弱信号检测方法,此方法通过自适应调节系统参数,使系统进入随机共振状态,从而接收到的信号经随机共振器输出后信噪比大大增加,构建了基于LabVIEW FPGA的检测系统。仿真结果数据显示,该方法在低信噪比下具有很好的检测性能。
The basic theory of detecting weak periodic signal via stochastic resonance was presented, a method for detecting weak signal embedded in too much noise backgrounds was put forward. Adding an optimal amount of noise to the received array signals, the signal-to-noise ratio can be greatly improved through the resonators, detection system based on LabVIEW FPGA was designed. The simulation and correlative trial results data show that this method has good detection performance under low sigaal-to-noise ratio.
Energy Research and Management