
生产过程危险有害因素辨识方法与流程 被引量:9

Recognition method and procedure of hazard causal factors in the course of production
摘要 危险有害因素辨识、危险等级评定与安全对策措施的提出是安全评价的主要任务,是发现危险源头的重要手段。生产过程危险有害因素的辨识工作是一项系统工程,作为安全评价工作的重中之重,辨识的全面与否和深度直接影响评价结果的好坏和措施的针对性。根据危险有害因素存在的特点,从危险源分析入手,同时考虑工艺条件、操作环境、危险故障状态等因素,提出危险辨识的基本要素和流程,从而使辨识人员避免在危险辨识过程中由于操作不规范而发生遗漏的现象发生。 Hazard recognition, hazard risk assessment and providing preventive measures are the primary tasks in a safety risk assessment, which is the effective method of finding out the hazard sources in a production system. Thinking of a lot of complexities in a production system, we must regard hazard recognition as system engineering. Usually, it is difficult to find out all the hazard causal factors in a system. But it is the most important work in a safety risk assessment project. The scope and depth of the hazard recognition account for the consequence of the as- sessment work, and are relative to the quality of preventive measures. Based on the existing character of hazard causal factors, many factors were analyzed starting from hazard sources. These hazard causal factors listed were cate- gorized into four groups, including production process conditions, operational environment, and failure states. Then the basic items and flow diagram on hazard recognition after the system safety personnel avoid the omission phenomena due to the nonstandard operation in analysis. It can make the recognrition the hazard recognition process
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 2013年第5期102-105,共4页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
关键词 危险有害因素 危险辨识 辨识流程 hazard causal factors hazard recognition recognition procedure
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