

Left Ventricular End-diastolic Dimension and Ejection Fraction of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Myocardial Injury Induced by Isoproterenol in Rats
摘要 目的:探讨临床治疗扩张型心肌病的中药经验复方心肌1号对异丙肾上腺素心肌损伤大鼠的左室舒张末径及射血分数等的影响。方法:采用Wister大鼠34只,随机分为3组,健康对照组11只,每天同一时间皮下注射生理盐水,连续18d;异丙肾上腺素模型组11只,连续3d腹部皮下注射异丙肾上腺素15mg/Kg,后每天同一时间皮下注射生理盐水,连续15d;心肌1号干预组11只,连续3d腹部皮下注射异丙肾上腺素15mg/Kg,后予心肌1号20.4g/Kg/d灌胃,连续15d。3组大鼠均通过超声心动图检测。结果 :健康对照组左室舒张末期内径4.674±0.640mm,射血分数为87.900±3.347(%);异丙模型组左室舒张末期内径5.508±0.716mm,射血分数为74.934±6.741(%),中药干预组左室舒张末期内径4.766±0.193mm,射血分数为82.009±4.389(%);对比舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVSd)与左室后壁厚度(LVPWd)、左室舒张末期内径(LVDd)及收缩末期内径(LVDs)、左室射血分数EF(%)各项:中药干预组与健康对照组LVDs、EF(%)对比有明显差异,余各项无明显差异;健康对照组与异丙模型组,除IVSd外其余各项对比均有明显差异;中药干预组与异丙模型组各项比较均有显著差异。结论 :心肌1号可明显改善异丙肾上腺素心肌损伤大鼠模型的左心室射血分数,缩小左室舒张末期内经,从而提高模型大鼠心功能。 To investigate the Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension and ejection fraction of Traditional Chinese Medicine on myocardial injury induced by isoproterenol in rats.Methods Thirty four Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups,①placebo group(n=11): each rat was injected normal saline through subcutaneous way for 18 days.② isoproterenol group(n=12):15mg/Kg/d ISO was injected through subcutaneous way for 3 days,then inject normal saline for 15 days.③traditional chinese medicine group(n=11): 15mg/Kg/d ISO was injected through subcutaneous way for 3 days,then traditional chinese medicine(20.4g/Kg/d) was fed for 15 days.Each group of rats were tested by ultrasonic cardiography after 18 days.Results Isoproterenol induced myocardial necrosis.After traditional chinese medicine treatment,the left ventricular ejection fraction of this group are obviously higher than the ISO group,and a little lower than the placebo group;As well as Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension which is larger than the ISO group after traditional chinese medicine treatment.however,Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension of placebo group is still larger than the drug intervention group.Each group of them has statistical difference(P 0.05).Conclusion Traditional chinese medicine can improve the function of cardiac.
出处 《江西中医学院学报》 2012年第6期67-70,共4页 Journal of Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 心脏超声 心功能 左室舒张末期内径 射血分数 中药复方 异丙肾上腺素 大鼠 Echocardiography Cardiac Function Left Ventricular End-diastolic Dimension Isoproterenol Traditional Chinese Medicine Rats
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