
Google数字图书馆计划中的“孤儿作品”问题及其解决方案分析 被引量:4

Analysis on “Orphan Works” Issue in Google Book Search Project and Its Solution
摘要 从美国版权法的历史变迁这一视角,探讨了"孤儿作品"问题的成因,介绍了Google目前对此的解决方案,指出Google"孤儿作品"的主要来源是其"图书馆计划"中为数众多的受版权保护的绝版图书,介绍了修订版和解协议部分规定;针对纽约南区法院驳回修订版和解协议的原因,指出Google虽然挑战了传统版权制度中"合理使用"的概念,但创新了合理使用原则在数字环境下的实现,对于促进孤儿作品的公共获取具有实践意义;指出了"孤儿作品"问题的未来立法走向。 The paper discusses causes of "orphan works" from perspective of historical evolvement of American copyright law,introduces Google’s solution to this at present,points out that the main source of Google’s "orphan works" is a large number of copyrighted and out-of-print books in Google Book Search Project,introduces part of provisions of Google’s Amended Settlement Agreement.It also analyzes why Southern District Court of New York rejected Google’s Amended Settlement Agreement,indicates that though Google challenged concept of "fair use" in traditional copyright system,Google innovated to realize the principle of fair use under digital environment,which has practical significance on promoting public access to "orphan works".Finally it points out future legislative trend of "orphan works".
作者 姜鑫
出处 《情报探索》 2013年第6期55-58,共4页 Information Research
关键词 GOOGLE数字图书馆计划 孤儿作品 美国版权法 Google Book Search Project orphan works American copyright law
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