
大学生创业园模式的实践探索——以安徽科技学院为例 被引量:4

An Empirical Study of the Educational Mode of College Students Pioneering Park——In a case of Anhui Science and Technology University
摘要 以大学生创业园作为大学生创业实践平台,培养大学生创业能力是我国高校创业教育的主要模式。大学生创业园集市场、学校、学生于一体的运营模式易受各种主客观因素影响,发展受到一定制约。安徽科技学院大学生创业园探索出自我学习、学校引导、多元化投资、市场化运作紧密结合的"四位一体"创业模式,对高校创业教育具有一定示范作用。 To take College Students Pioneer Park as an entrepreneurship practical platform for the training of creative ability is the main mode of entrepreneurship education in Chinese universities and colleges. The operation mode of Integrating market, school, students in College Students Pioneer Park is impacted by subjective and objective factors, and its development is restricted. The College Students Pioneering Park of Anhui Science and Technology University explored and found an integrating entrepreneurship mode, i.e. integrating self-study, guiding by schools, multi-investment, and market operating, has a model role for entrepreneurship education in universities and colleges.
出处 《河南科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期70-72,共3页 Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology
关键词 大学生 创业园 运营模式 创业教育 创业实践 college student College Students Pioneering Park operation mode entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship practice
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