

Third Party Fraud and Application of Fraud Exception in Letter of Credit
摘要 信用证领域中,第三方欺诈是否应当适用信用证欺诈例外原则,各国在理论与实践中都有不同的看法,目前尚无明确定论。本文拟结合英国信用证经典案例“UnitedCityMerchantsv.RoyalBankofCanada”,在对此案三级审判中体现出的两种不同观点进行分析基础上,深入探讨第三方欺诈中信用证独立性原则与欺诈例外原则的适用关系,论证信用证欺诈中第三方欺诈同样应当适用欺诈例外原则的合理性,并对中国信用证欺诈领域相关问题的立法与实践提出建议。 Whether the fraud exception is applicable to third-party fraud in the letters of credit (LC), countries have different views in theory and practice, and there is no clear conclusion. This paper combines classic LC case in the United Kingdom "United City Merchants v. Royal Bank of Canada", analyzes the two different points of view on its three trials, and explores the application of independence of third-party LC fraud and the fraud exception. It demonstrates that the fraud exception is applicable to third-party LC fraud and offers suggestions for legislation and practice in the relevant issues in China.
出处 《西安外事学院学报》 2013年第2期66-72,共7页
关键词 信用证 相符单据 第三方欺诈 欺诈例外 letter of credit conformity of documents third-party fraud fraud exception
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