非空结果的XML关键字查询中,多个查询关键字之间必然存在联系,这种联系可以通过SLCA(最紧致片段)的结构关系获得。基于SLCA的结构关系,提出了一种推测多个关键字内在联系的XML关键字查询结果排序方法:通过LISA II算法获得SLCA;根据SLCA的结构信息推测出各个关键字之间的内在结构关系,得到所有关键字组成的关系树;然后根据关系树中各关键字对查询结点的严格程度得到对应SLCA的重要程度,据此得到有序的SLCA并输出。该方法利用了XML文档的结构信息对查询结果进行排序。实验结果和分析表明,提出的方法具有较高的准确率,能够较好地满足当前用户的需求和偏好。
If the answer of an XML multi-keywords search is not empty, there would be some specific relationships be- tween these keywords and such relationships can be speculated by SLCA (the smallest lowest common ancestor). This paper proposed an XML keywords query results ranking approach based on these relationships, the approach obtains the SLCAs by the LISA II algorithm, leverages the structures of SLCAs to speculate the interior structural relationships of keywords and to obtain the relationship tree. Then, the importance of each SLCA can be estimated by the strict degree of keywords to the query node in the relationship tree. The SLCAs are ranked according to their importance and the or- dered SLCAs are treated as the ranked XML keywords query results. The experimental results demonstrate that the ap- proach presented in this paper has the high precision, and can efficiently meet the user's needs as well.
Computer Science