
TCSC抑制电力系统次同步振荡的研究 被引量:1

Study on Damping Subsynchronous Oscillation With TCSC
摘要 常规的固定串联电容补偿(FSC)在补偿度较高时,就会诱发系统发生次同步振荡(Subsynchronous Oscillation,SSO),在这种情况下,为了克服固定串补的不足和抑制电力系统的次同步振荡,可控串联电容补偿(TCSC)就应运而生了。文章分析了TCSC的基频阻抗特性和次频阻抗特性,提出了确定最优的TCSC的主电路特征参数K值的方法,利用测试信号法和时域仿真法研究了TCSC在容抗调节模式下不同触发角时的电气阻尼特性和轴系扭振的变化情况。仿真结果表明了TCSC具有一定的抑制次同步振荡的能力,得出了TCSC在容抗调节模式下次频正电阻能削弱和缓解SSO,但不能完全消除SSO,呈容性的次频电抗在一定触发角范围内仍能有效抑制SSO的结论。 Fixed series capacitor(FSC) can bring out Subsynchronous Oscillation (SSO) in high compensation de- gree,in this case, in order to overcome the shortage of FSC and damping the SSO, thyristor controlled series compen- sation (TCSC) is made. Basic frequency impedance characteristic and subsynchronous frequency impedance of TCSC are analyzed, and the optimal main circuit characteristic parameter--K of TCSC is proposed. The electrical damping and torsional vibration of turbine generator shafts are studied in different triggering angles by test signal method and time domain simulation method when TCSC working on capacitive vernier operation. Results of simulation show that TCSC can damp the SSO to some extent. It is concluded that subsynchronous frequency positive resistance can weak- en and ease the SSO but can't completely eliminate the SSO,and subsynchronous frequency reactance can damp the SSO in certain triggering angles when TCSC working on capacitive vernier operation.
出处 《华北电力技术》 CAS 2013年第6期5-12,11-12,共8页 North China Electric Power
关键词 可控串联电容补偿 次同步振荡 次频阻抗 测试信号法 时域仿真法 thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) subsynchronous fre-quency impedance test signal method time domain simulation method
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