【目的】探明库尔勒香梨不同冠层内果实产量与品质的分布规律及其差异性。【方法】应用树冠分格法,对疏散分层形和开心形树形冠层内不同部位的果实产量与品质进行测定与分析。【结果】疏散分层形和开心形平均每株果实产量分别达到138.5、160.1 kg,在冠层中层与外围开心形产量高于疏散分层形,而上层与下层,中部与内膛均低于疏散分层形,开心形的中层与上层,中层与下层,疏散分层形的内膛与中部,内膛与外围其产量均存在极显著差异,其他部位无显著差异;疏散分层形与开心形的平均单果质量分别达到131.57、145.86 g,果形指数均在1.2左右,冠层不同部位,开心形在萼片脱落、色泽黄绿、有红晕、果面光滑等果实外观品质上所占的百分比分别为16%、21.9%、69%、96.1%,均高于疏散分层形;开心形的果实硬度、可滴定酸、VC、可溶性固形物、固酸比分别为7.25 kg/cm2、0.946 g/kg、55.7 mg/kg、12.27%、11.48,均优于疏散分层形;垂直部位,两种树形硬度、可滴定酸、VC、可溶性固形物、固酸比等均存在极显著差异,而水平部位差异不明显。【结论】开心形在产量、果实外观品质以及果实内在品质上均优于疏散分层形。
[ Objective ] To ascertain the distribution regularities and difference of fruit yield and quahty ot Korla fragrant pear under different crown canopies. [ Method ] The crown cellular method was used to measure and analyze the distribution regularities and difference of yield and quality of the fruit at different sections under the crown canopies. [ Results ] The average fruit yield of layered - shaped and open - shaped tree was 138.5 and 160.1 kg per plant, respectively. In the middle layer and at the periphery of tree canopy, the yield of open - shaped trees was higher than that of the layered shaped tree. But in the upper, lower, middle parts and inside of the tree canopy, the yield of the layered - shaped trees was lower than that of the open- shaped trees. There were significant difference in yield between middle and upper layers of open - shaped tree canopy, and the inside and periphery of layered tree canopy. And no significant difference was found at the other parts or layers of both tree forms. The weight of per fruit of the layered - shaped and open - shaped trees reached 131.57 g and 145.86 g, respectively, and the fruit shape index of both tree forms was 1.22. the frequency of the fallen sepals, yellow green color, blushed face, smooth face in the fruit appearance quality of the open -shaped trees were 16%, 21.9%, 69% and 96.1%, respectively, which were all higher than those of the layered - shaped trees. The fruit firmness, titratable acid, vitamin C, soluble solid, solid acid of the open - shaped tree fruit were 7.25 kg/cm2, 0. 946 g/kg, 55.7 mg/kg, 12.27%, 11.48, respectively, which were also higher than those of the layered - shaped trees. In the vertical position, there was significant difference between the fruit firmness, titratable acid, vitamin C, soluble solid and solid acids. But in the horizontal position, the difference was not significant. [ Conclusion ] In summary, the fruit yield and quality of the open - shaped trees are higher and better than those of the layered - shaped trees.
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
Korla fragrant pear
crown canopy