4Sarah Honghton, Aaron Schmidt. Web - Based Chat VS. Instant Messaging. Online, 2005,29 (4) : 26 - 30
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6Leslie M. Behm. Adoption of Instant Messaging for Chat at a Research Library in Conjunction with the Formal Chat Software Used. 7^th Annual VRD Conference, Nov. 14 - 15,2005, SanFrancisco, California,USA. http://www, webjunction, org/do/Navigation? category =11842 (Accessed May. 1,2006 )
7Charles Cobine, Suchi Mohanty. A Tale of Two Screen Names: How IM is Changing Virtual Reference at UNC - Chapel Hill. 7^th Annual VRD Conference, Nov. 14 - 15,2005, SanFrancisco, California,USA. http://www.webjunction.org/do/Navigation? category =11842 ( Accessed May. 1,2006 )
9Roralee Ciocco, Alice Huff. 1M Working with Trillian. 7^th Annual VRD Conference, Nov. 14 - 15,2005, SanFranciseo, California,USA. http://www, webjunction, org,/do/Navigation? category =11842(Accessed May. 1,2006)
10Anne C. Moore. Share What You Know About "Quality On The Fly"in the 1M0 Chat, and VR World. DIG_REF@ LISTSERV. SYR.EDU, 9 ,June,2006 12:43( Accessed Jun. 9,2006)