采用分任务 (Task)的思想 ,利用可视化语言 Delphi4.0开发了基于人工神经网络 (ANN)算法的电力系统应用软件 ,共包含变压器故障诊断、负荷预测、局部放电、系统辨识和潮流计算 5大模块 ,其中仅以变压器故障诊断和系统辨识为例说明其开发过程和实际中的应用 .本软件人机交互界面类似于 Office模式 ,对 Delphi的编程技巧有一定的启示作用 ,同时稍加改进还可进行实时数据的采集与处理 .最后介绍了利用 Help Work Shop制作在线“帮助”的方法 。
The power system application software developed includes five modules:transformer faulty diagnosis,load prediction,partial discharge,system identification and power flow analysis.Transformer faulty diagnosis and system identification are taken as examples for illustrating the development process and practical use of the software.The interactive interface of the software is similar to that of Microsoft Office.The software can also be used for real time data gathering and processing after a little improvement is done.At last,the method of making on line“help” by Help Workshop was introduced.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)