
Asymmetry Is Itself Symmetry: The Dilemma of Rationality-Power Relationship

Asymmetry Is Itself Symmetry: The Dilemma of Rationality-Power Relationship
摘要 Bent Flyvbjerg's research reveals a context dependent asymmetrical relationship between rationality and power, causing the so-called illegitimate rationalization to affect the decision-making process. This paper explores the nature of relationship between rationality and power by following Russell's philosophy and logic. The paper demonstrates how a symmetrical relationship may be transformed into an asymmetrical relation. Any study suggesting asymmetrical relationship between rationality and power may not be able to explain the relational dynamics of the two terms, By questioning the rationality-power asymmetrical relationship, the paper stresses the need to define the degree of asymmetry between rationality and power. The paper suggests a need for better interpretation and relational understanding of rationality-power relations for effective decision-making.
机构地区 Massey University
出处 《Sociology Study》 2013年第3期235-246,共12页
关键词 RATIONALITY POWER RELATION asymmetry 调理性 不对称 对称性 权力 决策过程 对称关系 上下文
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