The Evolution of the Quartz Slip Flows Fabrics, Strain Facies Paths, during the Vertical Extrusion of the Kazdag (IDA) Zone, Western Turkey
The Evolution of the Quartz Slip Flows Fabrics, Strain Facies Paths, during the Vertical Extrusion of the Kazdag (IDA) Zone, Western Turkey
The quartz fabric variation and the operation of slip systems were governed by the deformation flow. A new concept named quartz fabric slip flow pattern is to be considered thourgh this relation. On the other hand, strain path, quartz fabric variation and strain fabric development are inter related events which controlled by the deformation flow pattern. These events and related structures were analyzed in the Kazdag (IDA) stack antiform. The quartz fabric variation and the strain path analysis reveal mainly three distinct tectonic stages. These are initial vertical extrusion tectonic and following horizontal spreading tectonics. The beginning stage vertical extrusion represented by the quartz Y maxima fabric in rounded pattern and constructional strain and lengthening strain facies. The latest stage of the vertical extrusion also represented by the quartz fabric, constructional strain but proximating to plane strain and lengthening-widening strain facies. The vertical extrusions governed by the steeply dipping reverse faulting at the initial stage and then fallowed by the gently dipping thrusting at the latest stage. The flattening deformation was developed during the horizontal spreading stage. Typical incomplete single girdle quartz fabric, flattening type oblate strain and thinning--widening strain facies are characteristic features of the nappe tectonics.
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