
一种抗LU攻击的传感器网络密钥预分配方案 被引量:1

Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network against LU Attack
摘要 现有的基于矩阵LU分解的传感网密钥预分配方案容易遭受LU攻击.针对该问题,采用扰动技术干扰LU分解的结果矩阵,并结合随机共享比特串截取方法,使得共享密钥难以计算,进而提出了一种抗LU攻击的传感器网络密钥预分配方案.通过有效调节噪声因子大小、密钥组件长度、密钥组件计算轮数等参数,节点仅需预分配一定数量的密钥材料,就能以较高的安全概率建立配对密钥.经过与典型方案的对比分析与讨论,结合可行性分析,证明了所提方案不仅适用于传感器网络,更能够有效抵抗窃听攻击、LU攻击和节点捕获攻击. Existing key pre-distribution schemes based on LU decomposition are suffering from LU attack. In order to solve this problem, perturbation technology is an effective method to break the relationship between result matrices of LU decomposition, and random cutting method of shared bit-string is also introduced to enhance the difficulty of breaking share keys. Based on these two methods, a new pair-wise key pre-distribution scheme against LU attack is proposed. Nodes only need to preload a few of key materials and can establish pair-wise keys with high secu- rity by choosing proper parameters, such as the noise factor, the length of key component, the total number of rounds. The contrastive analysis and feasibility analysis show that our proposed scheme is suitable for wireless sensor networks and resistant to eavesdropping attack, LU attack and node capture attack.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1155-1167,共13页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(61170241) 博士后科研人员落户黑龙江科研启动资助金项目(LBH-Q10141) 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(12513049)资助~~
关键词 传感器网络 密钥预分配 对密钥 LU分解 扰动技术 wireless sensor networks key pre-distribution pair-wise key LU decomposition perturbation technology
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