
基于行为模型的需求可视化研究 被引量:7

Behavioral Model Based Requirements Visualization Method
摘要 针对复杂软件系统的需求信息难以表达和沟通的问题,提出了一种用动画方式描述需求行为模型的可视化方法.该方法基于行为描述语言(Behavior Description Language,BDL)所建立的需求行为模型,动画的执行机制是采用状态机和状态块分别作为其执行模型和描述模型,每一个状态迁移都对应一个需要进行可视化描述的行为,一个关联元素将状态块模型中的一个迁移与一个动作原语进行关联,控制图形的运动,实现需求行为模型的可视化.该方法的优点在于,需求动画的直观性可以使不同背景的用户发现遗漏和不正确的潜在需求,避免需求变更,并且BDL模型必须通过一系列检测,以确保需求动画的正确性.文中给出了行为模型到状态模型转换规则的正确性证明,为转换提供了相应的理论验证.最后给出了校园通系统实例分析以及所实现的建模工具和动画工具介绍. Aimed at finding a solution to the difficulty of requirement's expression and communi cation problem of a complex software system, this paper presents a visualization method. This method is based on system behavior sequences, which are indicated by behavior description language-BDL, it would build up a behavioral model if BDL's syntax and semantic are correct. Animation execution mechanism takes state machine and state block as its execution model and description model, each state migration correspond one behavior. Developers can realize the behavioral model based visualization by setting animation elements (eg. subjects and objects) and associate atom behaviors within its related animation primitive language. The advantages of this method is allowing users to watch the dynamic execution of the model visually, and hence assist users of variety background to understand the exact meaning of software behavior. Thus decrease the requirement change and hence reduce software development costs. And BDL model must pass several tests that ensure the correctness of requirements animation. And it gives the correctness
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1312-1324,共13页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(91118003 61003071 61100055 31201121) 湖北省自然科学基金(2011CDB233) 深圳战略性新兴产业发展专项资金(JCYJ20120616135936123)资助~~
关键词 软件行为 行为描述语言 行为模型 可视化 需求建模 Animation Communication Flow visualization Requirements engineering Semantics Visualization
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