
组织即兴研究现状与展望 被引量:3

The Present Situation and Prospect of the Study of Organization Improvisation
摘要 即兴是组织中常见的一种行为现象,即兴对提高组织应变能力及创新能力的重要意义已经受到越来越多学者的关注。本文在对国内外组织即兴研究文献进行系统梳理的基础上,界定了组织即兴的概念内涵,进一步对比分析与组织即兴相关的概念,系统总结了组织内部影响即兴的领导、成员特质、组织结构、组织文化及资源因素,指明了未来研究方向。 The improvisation behavior is of improvisation applied to meet the changing a common phenomenon in the organization. The great significance situation and for improving the capability of organization innovation has attracted more and more scholars' attention. The present paper, based on the existing literature on organiza- tion improvisation at home and abroad, analyzes and defines the concept of organization improvisation, and com- pares further, through analysis, the related concept on organization improvisation. With a comprehensive summa- ry of the relevant factors influencing improvisation in an organization, such as the features of organization leader- ship and its members, the structure of the organization, the culture and resources of the organization, this paper also points out its future orientation for study.
作者 徐光 田也壮
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第3期21-26,共6页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"基于企业资源理论的制造能力模型及内部作用机理"[项目编号:70872026] 国家社科基金项目"面向网络舆论监督的公民行为及其动态演化机制研究"[项目编号:11BGL013]
关键词 组织即兴 组织记忆 组织学习 organization improvisation organization memory organization learning
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