针对现有长冲程抽油机冲程长度有限 ,体积与质量大和造价高等问题 ,提出了一种可大幅度提高冲程长度的新型矮式超长冲程抽油机。这种抽油机采用一根特殊圆柱链代替光杆 ,通过特制链轮的螺旋运动实现数十米的超长冲程 ;靠扭簧平衡系统实现运动过程中的能量转换 ,使电动机正反转都能在空载下启动 ,接近额定转速后承载运行。整机总高度不超过 2m ,质量不足现有长冲程抽油机的一半 ,所以可靠性高 ,操作、维修方便 ,造价亦有大幅度下降。现已完成原理试验和结构设计。
The existing long-stroke pumping unit runs with limited stroke, and its size and weight are large and cost is high. A scheme of a kind of up-to-date lower super-long stroke pumping unit is put forward. A special cylinder-chain is us ed instead of the polished rod, and ultra-long stroke is achieved through t he helical movement of a special chain wheel. Energy conversion is fulfilled by torsion spring balance system, and the motor is started under zero load and run s under load when its speed close to the rated speed. The new unit is less than 2m in height, and its weight is below half of that of the existing long-stroke pumping unit. It is characterized by high reliability, easy operation and mainte nance, and low cost.
China Petroleum Machinery