孤岛油田地层胶结疏松 ,成岩作用差 ,易出砂。在钻井、完井、及井下作业等环节造成了油层的伤害及堵塞 ,导致注水井欠注和油层供液不足。通过分析和实验论述了注水井欠注的原因 ,指出了孤岛油田解堵增注应遵循的原则及采取的主要解堵增注措施。现场实施 37口井 ,成功率 86.4%。累增注水量 6351 72m3,累增油 1 0 673t,解堵增注效果明显。
Oil?bearing formation damage and plugging are caused in drilling, completion and because of downhole operation, etc. because of loose cementation, bad diagenesis and easy sanding of formations in Gudao oil field, so insufficient injection in water injector and inadequate fluid supply in oil?bearing formation occurred. The reasons for insufficient water injection are discussed through analysis and experiment. It is pointed out that the principle should be followed and main measures should be taken for plugging removal and injection increment. Thirty?seven wells are experimented in fields with 86.4% success ratio, 635172m 3 cumulative incremental water injection and 10673t cumulative incremental oil effectively.
loose sand reservoir, plugging removal for injection increment, chemical plugging removal, high pressure water jet, reservoir reform