
装备项目质量进度成本一体化监督方法研究 被引量:3

Research on Methodology of Equipment Quality Schedule and Cost Integrated Supervision
摘要 从项目管理中的三角关系,装备质量进度成本一体化监督模型的可操作性和监督结果的可信性等方面,分析了武器装备质量进度成本一体化监督需求,研究了装备项目一体化监督函数具有的依概率收敛、边际效益递减律和极值等条件,利用卡诺质量模型,以统计均衡分析方法为手段,阐述了项目管理一体化监督函数的生成及求解过程。结合装备研制过程,采用定性分析与定量计算相结合的方式,在大质量观的主导下,以直-8型直升机典型故障为实例,阐明了项目一体化监督函数的求解过程,开展了项目监督风险决策和风险预警工作。 From the triangle relations among quality, schedule and cost of project management, and the operability and credibility of result of weapon equipment integrated supervision model, this paper analyzed the requirements of weapon equipment integrated supervision, and studied on the conditions of convergence in probability, diminishing marginal benefits rates and limitation of weapon equip- ment integrated supervision function. Using Kano quality model and by means of statistical equilibri- um analysis method, this paper described the produce tegrated supervision function. Combining the process and solution process of weapon equipment in- of equipment development and by means of qualitative and quantitative calculation, and led by the great quality view, this paper described the solution process of contact integrated supervision function using a typical faulty of Z - 8 helicopter as an example. In the end, this paper carried out the work of risk decision and risk early warning using the result of equipment integrated supervision function.
出处 《直升机技术》 2013年第2期33-41,共9页 Helicopter Technique
基金 2011-2012年度空军军事理论研究"装备质量进度成本一体化监督方法研究"重点资助课题 任务编号:12KZ3H1-074KD
关键词 武器装备 质量进度成本 卡诺模型 一体化监督 weapon equipment quality, schedule and cost Kano model integrated supervision
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