针对目前150 MW容量60 Hz机组高中压转子的高速动平衡试验进行了研究,采用基于有限元的转子轴承动力学软件Dyrobes建立了转子-轴承-摆架系统模型,在进行无阻尼临界转速及振型分析的基础上,结合模态振型平衡和影响系数平衡的特点,根据转子实测不平衡振动形式,合理选择平衡校正面和加重形式。最后,通过高速动平衡试验验证表明,该方法能有效减少启停机次数,节约平衡费用,同时可为这类国产小容量60 Hz汽轮机组转子高速动平衡提供技术参考和经验借鉴。
The high speed dynamic balancing for HIP rotor of 150 MW, 60 Hz steam turbine is investigated and the rotor-bearing-pedestal model is established according to rotor-bearing dynamics software Dyrobes. The result shows that balancing correction plane and weighting form are selected reasonably based on undamped critical speed and mode analysis, along with measured unbalancing vibration pattern. In the end, through high speed dynamic balancing test, it is verified that this method can effectively reduce the number of starts and stops and save balancing cost. Thus, it helps to balance the similar rotor with 60 Hz in future.
Thermal Turbine