探讨了纸浆回用对纤维形态结构和主要物理强度性能的影响。扫描电子显微镜的观察结果显示 ,第一次回用对化学浆纤维形态的影响较大 ,而化学热磨机械浆纤维在回用过程中变化较小。循环回用中浆张的表观密度均有下降 ,化学热磨机械浆的下降幅度较小。漂白化学木浆的抗张强度、耐破强度和耐折度均随着回用次数的增加而下降 ,前两次回用对强度性质的影响最大 ,而化学热磨机械浆的抗张强度、耐破强度随着回用次数的增加略有上升 。
Effect of recycling on fiber morphology and strength property of wood pulp was investigated.The results of SEM observation show that recycling affected fiber morphology of chemical pulp, but had less effect on chemimechanical pulp.The apparent density of the pulp sheet declined during recycling.The density decrease of chemimechanical pulp sheet is relatively smaller.The tensile index,burst index and fold endurance of bleached chemical pulps decreased with the increase of the recycling time.The first two recycles affected the strength properties significantly.The tensile index and burst index of chemimechanical pulp,however,increased a bit with little change in fold endurance during the recycles.
Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology