
北部湾盆地西部地区涠洲组层序及沉积体系分析 被引量:6

The Sequence and Depositional System of Weizhou Formation in the Weixinan Sag,Beibuwan Basin
摘要 在层序地层理论指导下,借助高分辨率三维地震资料,利用地震沉积学研究手段,分析研究了北部湾盆地西部地区主要目的层段涠洲组层序及沉积体系展布规律。结果表明,研究区具有多(双)断控型层序构型,涠西南低凸起的存在对于沉积体系分配具有重要的控制作用。结合古地形分析,认为涠洲组沉积时期物源来自三个方向,形成典型的多向三角洲朵体,其中三角洲前缘坝和远端砂是潜在的有利对象,由此提出了有利砂体发育预测模型。 Under the guidance of the sequence stratigraphy theory, with high-resolution 3-D seismic data and seismic sedimentology methods, the sequence stratigraphy and the depositional system distribution of the main target Weizhou Fm in the western part of Beibuwan Basin have been studied. It is revealed by the study results that the sequence stratigraphic framework in this area is con- trolled by the double (multi) faults, and the Weixinan low uplift is very important for the distribution of depositional system. During the sedimentation period of Weizhou Fm, the provenance comes from three directions, and wide range of typical delta lobes are well developed, of which delta front bar and distal sands are potential favorable exploration targets. On the basis of this study result, the model for prediction of favorable sand is put forward.
出处 《海洋石油》 CAS 2013年第2期1-7,共7页 Offshore Oil
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"南海北部深水区台缘结构与生物礁生长模型"(41202086) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"冲绳海槽西坡块体搬运体系发育特征及其形成机理"(CUGL100252)
关键词 北部湾 涠洲组 层序 沉积体系 Beibuwan Basin Weizhou Formation sequence depositional system
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