50 %氰·二WP是湖南化工研究院最近研究出的一种用于玉米田的一次性除草剂 ,经过湖南、河南等地药效试验表明 ,50 %氰·二WP使用方便 ,杀草谱极广 ,用量 2 .2 5kg/hm2 ,可有效防除春、夏玉米田各种一年生及多年生杂草 ,对玉米安全。
The mixture of cyanatryn and MCPA( Na) which is developed by Hunan Research Institute of Chemistry is a herbicide for corn field. The results of field tests in Hunan and Henan showed that the 50%WP had good control effects on annual or peremmial weeds but safe for the spring or summer corn when it was used at the dosage of 2.25kg/hm 2 in corn field.