根据佛山市法定传染病报告年报表 ,对佛山市 1 978~ 1 998年登革热的流行病学特征进行了分析。 2 1年间佛山市共发生五次有病毒学诊断依据的登革热大流行 ,共报告病例 2 541 8例 ,死亡 1 4例。疫情高度集中在顺德市、佛山市区 (城区和石湾区 )和南海市等旧疫区。 8~ 1 0月是流行的高峰季节 ,白纹伊蚊是佛山市登革热的传播媒介 ,人群普遍易感 ,旧疫区内健康人群血抑抗体水平较非疫区健康人群高 ,登革热旧患者血抑抗体水平逐年下降。今后预防工作的重点应在旧疫区。根据流行病学及病毒流行型别特点 。
Based on the annual reports of notifiable infectious diseases in Foshan city through 1978 to 1998,the epidemiological characteristics of Dengue Fever (DF) were analyzed.During the twenty one years,there were five DF epidemics diagnosed on virology evidence with 25 418 cases and 14 deaths in Foshan.The cases were highly concentrated in endemic areas,urban district,Shunde city and Nanhai city.Most of the cases occured during August and October.Aedes Albopictus was the transmission vector of DF in Foshan.Population were generally susceptible to the infection.The level of antibody of DF in health people in epidemic areas was higher than that in non-epidemic areas.The level of DF antibody of the cases decreased year by year.It could be concluded that DF is an endemic disease in Foshan based on the epidemioloical and virology evidences.
Guangdong Journal of Health and Epidemic Prevention