目的观察胃食管返流病(GERD:NERD,RE)患者在对症治疗3月以上效果不佳的同时加用氟哌噻吨美利曲辛(商品名:黛力新)10.5mg,2次/d,口服治疗的疗效。方法 A组:GERD患者123例(NERD患者82例,RE患者41例)在对症治疗3月以上(平均5.6±1.9月)效果不佳的患者;B组:A组患者在原治疗不变的基础上同时加用黛力新10.5mg,2次/d,口服治疗2月(或症状消失2周以上停药)的两组疗效观察。结果统一用STATA10.0分析。结果B组患者中9例脱离治疗,114例患者完成治疗,起效从3~30d,平均(15.6±10.8)d,101例患者治疗有效(101/114,88.6%),13(13/114,11.4%)例患者2月疗程结束无效,治疗有效率的95%可信度区间:81.29%,93.79%。结论 GERD患者在对症治疗效果不佳的同时加用黛力新10.5mg,2次/d,口服治疗有较好的临床疗效,副作用少,GERD患者加用氟哌噻吨美利曲辛可以缩短治疗周期有良好的社会效益和经济效益,在临床上有一定的推广价值。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of flupentixol-melitracen in patients with Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD),including Non-erosive reflux disease(NERD)and Reflux Esophagitis(RE),who do not response well to the symptomatic reatment for more than 3 months.Methods A self-control study was conducted in which 123 patients was involved who were being in line with our inclusion criteria.And comparison was made about the relief of symptoms before and after adding the treatment of flupentixol-melitracen.Results Within all the 114 patients who finished the treatment lasting 2 months,88.6 percentage of subject responded well to flupentixol-melitracen therapy,which indicates a 81.29% ~ 93.79% of 95% confidence interval of overall efficiency.Conclusion With well therapeutic and economic gain,therapy combining flupentixol-melitracen could be a promising strategy for GERD patients who are poorly responded to current treatments and suffering persistent symptoms.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application