目的 引进整套Harris-Benedict公式及相应营养管理方法规范危重创伤病人伤后、术后营养支持中的总热量、各种营养物质所占比率。方法 选择因病情而需禁食水或不能自行进食达 4天以上的多发伤患者 41例 ,其中实验组 2 4例 ,均按Harris -Benedict公式及规定计算所给营养的总热量、以及各种营养物质所占比例 ,对照组仍采用我院传统静脉输液配方。结果 实验组实际补充的热量值 (KJ)与Harris -Benedict公式所规定的理论值无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,而对照组实际补充的热量则显著低于其理论值 (P <0 .0 1)。同时实验组所给糖类在总热量中所占比率显著低于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,而脂肪及氮所占比率显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 传统静脉输液配方所提供的热量远低于Harris-Benedict公式的规定水平 ,且各种营养物质比例也明显不合理 ,因此 ,应引进并推广本公式 ,使营养管理水平符合国际标准 ,以提高危重创伤患者的救治成功率。
Objective To demonstrate traditional infusion regimen whether meet TICU(Trauma ICU)nutritional need by Harris-Benedict formula.Methods: Twenty four of the forty one cases with severe trauma were supplyed needed nutrition by Harris-Benedict formula(experimental group),while the rest 17 cases by the traditional infusion regimen (control group).The actual and calculated calories of each individual were compared with T test. Results The mean actual calorie of the control group was significantly lower than the mean calculated value of the experimental group(p<0.01).Conclusion The traditional infusion regimen can't meet the need by Harris-Benedict formula and should be improved.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery