
巨型城市(区)地质安全保障服务系统研究——以北京市为例 被引量:4

Research for Geological Safety Supporting System of Mega-city Regions——A Case of Beijing City
摘要 近年来,我国城市取得了前所未有的发展,截至2011年底,我国城镇人口达到6.91亿,并出现了北京、上海、香港-深圳-广州等巨型城市(区),借助其显著的规模经济效应和人口聚集效应,巨型城市(区)最有可能减轻城市系统的压力,提高城市总体效率,成为推动我国经济增长社会发展的重要引擎。但随着城市建的设异常活跃、规模不断加大、人口迅速增加,引发与城市土地利用、资源开发、废物处置、环境保护和灾害防治等有关的地质问题日益突出,直接影响和制约着巨型城市(区)地质安全与可持续发展。城市是建设在地质体之上的,这就注定城市的发展离不开地质工作的支撑,城市地质信息对于快速发展的巨型城市(区)具有不可替代的基础作用,充分利用大型空间数据库、GIS、三维可视化、计算机网络等现代信息技术手段,构建智能化、综合化、立体化、快速反应型巨型城市(区)地质安全保障服务系统,成为保障城市地质资源和地质环境安全,满足城市规划、建设、管理、减灾防灾的迫切需要。本文通过深入分析巨型城市(区)对地质信息和地质保障服务系统的需求,提出了巨型城市(区)地质安全保障系统总体框架,涉及巨型城市(区)地质资料数据中心、地质安全保障服务基础平台、地质安全保障服务应用系统等部分,并进行了北京市地质安全保障服务系统建设。 Abstract: Recently, cities in China have achieved unprecedented development. Until the end of 2011, the urban population of China has reached 6.2 billion. Meanwhile, some mega-cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Guangzhou become a significant engine of promoting the economy growth and social development by using their remarkable large-scale economy and population cluster effect, since the Mega-city regions are most like to relieve the pressure of city system and improve the entire city efficiency. However, some geological problems such as city land utilization, resource supply, environmental protection, hazards prevention become increasingly serious with the hyperactive urban construction, overwhelming urban scale and rapid population growth. City is constructed on geological objects, which determines that the urban development closely connected with the support of geological work. There are fundamental functions in urban geological information, which are necessary to the rapid development of Mega-city. Taking full advantage of modern information technology such as large spatial databases, GIS, 3-D visualization and networks, etc., and building intellectualized, integrated, multi-dimensional, quick-response geological safety supporting system for mega-city regions, will become the requirements of ensuring the safety of urban geological resources and geological environment as well as satisfying urban planning, construction, management, mitigating and preventing disasters, etc. This paper provides the framework of geological safety supporting system of mega-city by deeply analyzing the demand of geological information and geological safety supporting service system. Meanwhile, the paper contains the information about geological data center, geological safety supporting service platform and geological safety supporting application system, etc. It also elaborates the building methods of geological safety supporting system at Beijing.
出处 《地理信息世界》 2013年第3期50-57,共8页 Geomatics World
基金 国家自然科学基金(40742015 41202238)资助 北京市多参数立体地质调查项目(200313000045)资助 中国博士后科学基金项目(20060400348)资助
关键词 巨型城市 巨型城市区 地质安全保障 快速反应型 Mega-City Mega-City Regions Geological Safety Quick-Response
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