
Robust control based on the Lyapunov theory of a grid-connected doubly fed induction generator 被引量:2

Robust control based on the Lyapunov theory of a grid-connected doubly fed induction generator
摘要 This paper discusses the robust control of a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) controlled by vector control using a nonlinear feedback linearization strategy in order to ameliorate the performances of the control and to govern the developed stator active and reactive power in a linear and decoupled manner, in which an optimal operation of the DFIG in subsynchronous operation is given, as well as the control stator power flow with the possibility of keeping stator power factor at a unity. The use of the state-all-flux induction machine model gives place to a simpler control model. So, to achieve this objective, the Lyapunov approach is used associated with a sliding mode control to guarantee the global asymptotical stability and the robustness of the parametric variations. This paper discusses the robust control of a grid-connected doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) controlled by vector control using a nonlinear feedback linearization strategy in order to ameliorate the performances of the control and to govern the developed stator active and reactive power in a linear and decoupled manner, in which an optimal operation of the DFIG in subsynchronous operation is given, as well as the control stator power flow with the possibility of keeping stator power factor at a unity. The use of the state-all-flux induction machine model gives place to a simpler control model. So, to achieve this objective, the Lyapunov approach is used associated with a sliding mode control to guarantee the global asymptotical stability and the robustness of the parametric variations.
出处 《Frontiers in Energy》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期191-196,共6页 能源前沿(英文版)
关键词 doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) vectorcontrol Lyapunov function power factor unity activepower reactive power doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) vectorcontrol Lyapunov function power factor unity activepower reactive power
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