
Discovering causes and effects of a given node in Bayesian networks

Discovering causes and effects of a given node in Bayesian networks
摘要 Causal relationships among variables can be depicted by a causal network of these variables. We propose a local structure learning approach for discovering the direct causes and the direct effects of a given target variable. In the approach, we first find the variable set of parents, children, and maybe some descendants (PCD) of the target variable, but generally we cannot distinguish the parents from the children in the PCD of the target variable. Next, to distinguish the causes from the effects of the target variable, we find the PCD of each variable in the PCD of the target variable, and we repeat the process of finding PCDs along the paths starting from the target variable. Without constructing a whole network over all variables, we find only a local structure around the target variable. Theoretically, we show the correctness of the proposed approach under the assumptions of faithfulness, causal sufficiency, and that conditional independencies are correctly checked. Causal relationships among variables can be depicted by a causal network of these variables. We propose a local structure learning approach for discovering the direct causes and the direct effects of a given target variable. In the approach, we first find the variable set of parents, children, and maybe some descendants (PCD) of the target variable, but generally we cannot distinguish the parents from the children in the PCD of the target variable. Next, to distinguish the causes from the effects of the target variable, we find the PCD of each variable in the PCD of the target variable, and we repeat the process of finding PCDs along the paths starting from the target variable. Without constructing a whole network over all variables, we find only a local structure around the target variable. Theoretically, we show the correctness of the proposed approach under the assumptions of faithfulness, causal sufficiency, and that conditional independencies are correctly checked.
出处 《Frontiers of Mathematics in China》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期643-663,共21页 中国高等学校学术文摘·数学(英文)
关键词 Directed acyclic graphs causal networks graphical models structure learning Directed acyclic graphs causal networks graphical models structure learning
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