在大学中各学院教学秘书每学期都需要进行教师工作量的核算,大多借助于计算器或Excel进行计算,一定程度地增加了其工作量,还可能有算错的时候。通过利用Java EE制作的Web开发B/S结构,系统可以一定程度地减轻教学秘书的工作量,提高了教师劳务计费的准确性和易操作性。
The college teaching secretaries in the university each semester are required for teachers' workload of the accounting, and they are mostly by means of calculation in calculator or Excel, which increases the workload to a certain extent, or even a time of mistake. Made by using a Java EE Web to develop B/S mode, the system can reduce their workload to a large extent and improve the accuracy of the teacher labor billing and simplicity
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance
新疆农业大学大学生创新项目 项目编号:jqzyp5201149