目的 :评价佳贝和欧可芬滴眼液在白内障术中维持瞳孔散大及术后抗炎作用疗效。方法 :随机分组 (佳贝组、欧可芬组和对照组 )研究 86名白内障患者术前应用两种药物后 ,白内障术中瞳孔大小的改变以及对卡米可林(氨甲酰胆碱 ,Carbacol)缩瞳作用的影响 ;以地塞米松滴眼液为对照 ,研究应用两种滴眼液对术后角膜后KP和房水混浊度的影响 ,以及对术眼眼压的影响。结果 :与对照组相比 ,佳贝和欧可芬都能有效抑制术中的瞳孔缩小 (P <0 .0 0 1 ) ,且不影响卡米可林的缩瞳作用 ;两者都能有效降低术眼术后前房炎症反应 ,抗炎效果与地塞米松相似 ,且不引起早期眼压的改变 (P >0 .0 5)。结论 :佳贝和欧可芬能安全、有效地维持白内障术中瞳孔大小 ,降低术后炎症反应。
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of maintaining pupil dilated during cataract surgery and postoperative antiinflammation of diclofenac sodium and Ocufen.METHODS:Eightysix patients of senile cataract undergoing operation of extracapsular cataract extraction were randomly assigned to receive eye drops of diclofenac sodium,Ocufen or none of the both(the control group).The changes of the pupil size and the miosis response to carbacol during the surgery were observed.Compared to use of dexmethesone,postoperative inflammation(including the keratoprecipitates and degree of aqueous flare) and the changes of intraocular pressure(IOP) was evaluated.RESULTS:Compared with the control group,diclofenac sodium and Ocufen maintained the pupil dilated during the surgery without influence to the miosis effect of carbacol.Both of diclofenac sodium and Ocufen controled the postoperative inflammation effectively similar to dexmethesone.No significant changes of IOP were observed in the early stage after the surgery.CONCLUSION:Diclofenac sodium and Ocufen can maintain the pupil size during surgery of cataract and control the postoperative inflammation effectively and safely.
Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy