
基于雨量计的高分辨率格点降水数据与TRMM卫星反演降水数据在亚洲区域的比较 被引量:6

Comparing high-resolution rain gauge-based precipitation data with satellite rainfall estimates of TRMM_3B42 over Asia
摘要 本文比较了1998—2007年基于雨量计(APHRO)和TRMM卫星反演(TRMM_3B42)的高分辨率格点降水数据在亚洲主要区域的特征.通过统计分析比较了降水量的空间分布、年际变率和降水概率密度分布等.结果表明,TRMM_3B42和APHRO都能较好地描述出年平均及夏季平均降水的主要分布特征,但TRMM_3B42在中南半岛和印度西侧降水偏低而在热带赤道地区则偏高;两套数据在中国地区和站点观测降水具有较好的相关性,尤其是东部及东南部地区;APHRO较TRMM_3B42更接近于观测结果.TRMM_3B42和APHRO的降水总量、强度和频率的年际变化趋势在中国地区与观测基本一致,且APHRO和站点观测降水有更好的一致性;而二者在热带赤道地区差异较大.此外,两套资料基本能描述出中国区域不同降水强度的概率分布特征,对于中小强度降水TRMM_3B42的结果更接近于观测,APHRO略有高估;而APHRO对大强度降水概率的描述更合理. With the statistical methods, the rainfall features, i. e. , spatial distribution, inter-annual variability and probability distribution, of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM)3B42 satellite products over Asia are compared with the daily gridded precipitation dataset(APHRO)created by the Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards the Evaluation of Water Resources(APHRODITE) project during 1998-- 2007 in this study. The results show that TRMM_3B42 is comparable to APHRO in revealing the spatial patterns of annual and summer precipitation amount. However, TRMM_3B42 underestimates the rainfall over Indo-China Peninsula and western Indian, while overestimates it over the tropical regions. Though both o~ the two high-resolution products show high correlation with the rain gauges data, especially over the East and Southeast China, APHRO is more comparable to the rain gauges data and exhibits better performance in depicting the precipitation a- mount,frequency and intensity than TRMM 3B42. However, APHRO overestimates the probability of light and moderate rainfall and underestimates the heavy rainfall. Compared to ARPHRO,TRMM_3B42 performs better for the light and moderate rainfall but worse for the heavy rainfall.
出处 《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期320-330,共11页 Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Science)
基金 973国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CB952004 2010CB428500)
关键词 高分辨率 年际变率 降水强度 降水频率 降水概率 high resolution, inter-annual variability, precipitation intensity, precipitation frequency, precipitation probability
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