
五元印刷单极子方向图可重构阵列天线 被引量:2

A Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna Array with Five Printed Monopoles
摘要 设计制作了一种用于无线通信移动终端的方向图可重构阵列天线。该阵列天线由一个激励单极子和四个长度可调的寄生印刷单极子组成,可工作于两种模式,阵列波束在方位面内有八种不同的指向。通过控制PIN开关的状态,寄生单元可以在引向器和反射器之间切换状态,方向图的主瓣指向开关断开的阵元方向。阵列天线方向图可以以45°步长覆盖方位面,工作频带覆盖WiMAX(3.40-3.69GHz)频段,辐射增益大于6dBi。在两种模式中各选取了一个指向状态,对其回波损耗和方向图进行了实测,实测结果与仿真结果吻合较好。 A radiation pattern reconfigurable antenna array for wireless communication is designed. The antenna array is composed of a feeding monopole and four length-switchable parasitic monopoles. The proposed antenna provides two modes with eight cases. Directive and reflective roles for the paras' tic elements can be changed by controlling the switches at them, the patterns' main lobes point towards the direction where the switches states are off. Thus, the radiation pattern can be rota-ted every 45° to cover the azimuth plane. The impedance bandwidth can cover the WiMAX(3.40-3.69GHz) band with gain over 6 dBi. Measured return losses and radiation patterns of both modes show good agreement with simulated ones.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期23-26,30,共5页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 西北工业大学研究生创业种子基金(Z2012071)
关键词 方向图可重构天线 印刷单极子 寄生单元 阵列天线 pattern reconfigurable antenna,prtined monopole, parasitic element, antenna array
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