立体定位注射微量 ( 3μL)神经毒素鹅膏蕈氨酸 (ibotenicacid ,IA) ,造成大鼠中脑网状结构损伤。用地高辛标记的寡核苷酸探针进行原位杂交 (insituhybridization ,ISH) ,对脑源性神经营养因子 (BDNF)mRNA在大鼠脑中的表达和定位进行了研究。结果发现 ,在海马组织有强标记的神经元 ,在周围的锥体层、粒状层及齿状回的脐部皆有标记信号发现。这些区域的其他神经元中发现有弱的标记信号或没有标记信号。BDNFmRNA高水平的表达在脑皮质星散的神经元、屏状核神经元和其他区域皆有发现。
In order to observe the expression and localization of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA in the rat brain following midbrain reticular formation(MRF) injury, MRF injury was produced by means of neurotoxin ibotenic acid(IA) injection into MRF. Synthetic oligonucleotide probed for BDNF mRNA was lebeled with digoxigenin(DIG). In situ hybridization was used to study expression and localization of BDNFmRNA in brain. In the hippocampal formation, strongly labeled neurons were found in and around the pyramidal layer, as well as in the granular layer and hilus of the dentate gyrus of the rats. Other neurons in these areas were more weakly labeled or unlabeled. High BDNFmRNA expression was also observed in scattered neurons in cortex cerebri, in many neurons in claustrum and in certain other areas. These results suggested that BDNF might act via a direct neuron to neuron interaction . The localization of BDNFmRNA expression in cortical areas and in claustrum suggested that the target neurons for this factor extended beyond the sensory ganglion and retinal ganglion cells. Finaily , BDNF mRNA expression in vivo in the central nervous system appeared to be mostly confined to neurons.
Journal of Capital Medical University
国家自然科学基金!3 96 0 0 15 1