
FABP4基因与中国汉族青少年肥胖相关性研究 被引量:3

Association between FABP4 gene polymorphism and obesity in teenagers of Han population
摘要 目的探讨血清脂肪细胞型脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABP4)水平及其基因多态性与中国汉族青少年超重肥胖的相关性。方法收集上海地区汉族青少年的血液样本,其中154名为肥胖、111名超重、120名体质量正常,采用酶联免疫吸附法测定血清FABP4水平,并采用PCR结合Sanger测序法对FABP4基因第四号外显子中的20个SNPs位点进行比对分析。结果肥胖及超重青少年血浆FABP4蛋白水平均明显高于体质量正常者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在受试女性青少年中,FABP4基因的rs16909187(A/G)和rs16909196(A/T)位点等位基因(A)分布频率在超重组中显著低于正常组;而rs1054135(A/G)位点的等位基因(G)分布频率在肥胖组中显著低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论超重及肥胖青少年的血清FABP4蛋白水平升高,不同体质量女性青少年FABP4基因多态性不同。 Objectives To investigate the association of obesity with serum level and allelic variants of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (FABP4) in teenagers of Hart population. Methods Blood samples were collected from 154 obese (OB), 111 over-weight (OW) and 120 normal-weight (NW) teenagers in Shanghai. Serum FABP4 levels were measured by ELISA. Twenty single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the fourth exon ofFABP4 gene were genotyped by PCR combined with Sanger sequenc-ing. Results Serum FABP4 protein levels of both OB and OW teenagers were significantly higher than those of NW group (P〈0.05). The frequencies of minor allele (A) in the rs16909187 (A/G) and rs16909196 (A/T) were significantly lower in OW girls than in the NW girls (P〈0.05). The frequencies of minor allele (G) in the rs1054135 (A/G) significantly decreased in OB girls compared with NW girls (P〈0.05). Conclusions The genetic polymorphisms and increased serum level of FABP4 protein are risk factors for the development of obesity, especially in female teenagers of Hart population.
出处 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期533-537,共5页 Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
基金 上海市科委科技项目(No.114119b1100) 闸北区科委课题(No.2011ZD02)
关键词 肥胖 脂肪细胞型脂肪酸结合蛋白 基因 青少年 obesity adipocyte fatty acid binding protein gene adolescence
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