
张力腿平台系泊系统特性研究 被引量:2

Research on the mooring characteristics of deep water TLP
摘要 张力腿平台(TLP)采用垂直张紧式系泊系统,相对于传统的悬链线、张紧式系泊系统有较明显的区别,为此提出了一种较为简化直观的方法来计算TLP系泊系统的静力特性;通过Sesam软件相关模块对平台进行时域耦合分析,研究了TLP系泊系统的动力特性,运用谱分析方法得出了系泊系统动力响应中的能量分布情况;将计算结果与模型试验结果进行对比分析,验证了本文方法给出的TLP系泊系统静力与动力特性计算结果的准确性。 The vertical taut mooring system applied in Tension Leg Platform is different distinctively from the traditional taut and catenary mooring systems, there- fore, this paper puts forward a simplified method to calculate the static characteristics of TLP's mooring system, uses the Seasam to execute coupled time do- main analysis and study the dynamic characteristics, and adopts the spectral analysis method to obtain the energy distribution of the motion of TLP and dynamic response of mooring system. The calculated results were compared with the model test results to verify the accuracy of the method given in the paper.
出处 《中国海上油气》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期68-72,共5页 China Offshore Oil and Gas
基金 中国海洋石油总公司项目“南海深水浮式平台试验研究”部分成果
关键词 张力腿平台 垂直张紧式系泊系统 静力特性 动力特性 TLP vertical taut mooring system static characteristic dynamic characteristic
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