
中国就业人群慢性病的社会决定因素 被引量:12

Social determinants of chronic disease in a working population in China
摘要 目的:研究中国就业人群慢性病的社会决定因素。方法:从中国家庭动态跟踪调查(Chinese FamilyPanel Studies,CFPS)2010年截面调查资料中提取18~60岁的就业人群,采用Logistic回归模型,分析不同自评社会地位、受教育程度、收入、工作机构和机构属性、管理岗位人群慢性病患病风险的差异。结果:主观社会地位很高或较高者、受教育程度很低及较高者、低收入群体患慢性病的概率较高。从工作性质上看,务农或自己经营的群体比受雇于单位组织的群体患慢性病概率要高;从事管理工作的群体患慢性病的概率也较高。结论:收入、受教育程度、工作方式和工作内容是中国就业群体慢性病的社会决定因素,需要针对这些社会决定因素制定改善健康公平的政策。 Objective:To identify the social determinants of chronic disease in China. Methods: Cross sectional data of working population aged from 18 to 60 years were drawn from the database of Chinese Family Panel Studies (CFPS) 2010. Logistic regression model was used for analyzing the difference of chronic conditions prevalence among the self-evaluated social status, income, education, working organizations and properties and management positions, respectively. Results: The highest and higher groups of subjective social status, the least and higher groups of education, low-income group had a higher probability of suffering from chronic diseases. In terms of the nature of jobs, the farmers and the self-employed had a higher risk of suffering from chronic diseases than those employed by other formal sectors. The people engaged in the management were also with a higher risk. Conclusion: Income, education, nature and content of jobs are the social determinants of chronic diseases in China. All these determinants need to be considered during the policy-making aimed to improve health equity.
出处 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期443-447,共5页 Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(71003002)资助~~
关键词 社会经济因素 慢性病 职业群体 健康状况差异 中国 Socioeconomic factors Chronic disease Occupational groups Health status disparities China
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