
近附加对近视眼调节反应及其微波动的影响 被引量:2

Effect of the near addition lenses on accommodative response and accommodative microfluctuations in myopes
摘要 目的:研究近距阅读状态下,近附加对近视眼调节反应和调节微波动的影响。方法:选取20位近视受试者,等效球镜范围为-0.50~-6.00 D。在试镜架全矫基础上随机添置近附加(范围为0~+3.00 D,间隔0.50 D),采用红外线验光仪测量受试者右眼近距阅读状态下调节反应及调节微波动,并用Von Graefe法测量不同近附加下的近距离水平隐斜。结果:受试者在不同近附加状态下的调节反应主要表现为调节滞后,随着近附加的增加,调节滞后逐渐减小(F=39.07,P<0.001),调节微波动亦逐渐减小(F=16.05,P<0.001),近距隐斜向外隐斜方向变化(F=7.11,P<0.001)。结论:近附加镜可以有效降低高调节滞后者的调节误差;不同近附加对调节异常的调控程度不同。 Objective: To study the effect of near addition lenses on accommodative response and accommodative microfluctuations during near reading. Methods: Twenty subjects with myopia ranging from -0.50 D to -6.00 D spherical equivalent participated in this study. Accommodation response and near phoria were measured by the Grand Seiko WAM-5500 auto-refractor (right eye) and Von Graefe method at 33 cm with each of the near addition lenses (0, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, +2.50 and +3.00 D) in random order. Results: All subjects performed mainly accommodative lagged with any reading addition. With the power of addition lens increased, the lag decreased (F=39.07, P〈0.001), the accommodation microfluctuations also decreased (F=16.05, P〈0.001), and an exophoria shift performed (F=7.114, P〈0.001). Conclusion: Near addition lenses may actually decrease the magnitude of the accommodative error. The power of the addition lens has different effect on accommodative performance during near reading.
出处 《温州医学院学报》 CAS 2013年第6期360-362,共3页 Journal of Wenzhou Medical College
基金 卫生行业科研专项基金资助项目(201302015) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-12-1084)
关键词 近附加 调节反应 调节微波动 近隐斜 near addition lens accommodative response accommodative microfluctuation near phoria
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