
国际安全合作视域下的阿富汗安全重建 被引量:4

International Security Cooperation and the Re-Construction of Security in Afghanistan
摘要 阿富汗安全重建可分为国家和社会安全建构两部分,前者主要指国家机器的重建,后者包括裁军撤阀和国内和解等。在安全重建中,国际安全合作发挥着举足轻重的作用,但同时也在安全合作的有效性、重建道路选择、资源分配、合法性等方面存在严重问题。导致安全重建裹足不前。国际安全合作对于地缘政治、安全的地区化进程、美国的全球战略调整产生重要影响。阿富汗安全重建不会随着西方军队撤离出现严重倒退,其完成离不开国际社会的参与和合作。 The reconstruction of security in Afghanistan includes two compo-nents: state security and societal security. The former refers primarily to the re-building of state institutions, while the later includes the disarmament of warlords and domestic reconciliation. While international security cooperation plays a key role in the rebuilding of Afghani security, there are a number of serious issues re-lated to the effectiveness of security cooperation, the selection of a path for re - construction, distribution of resources and legitimacy, which have slowed the pace of re - construction security in Afghanistan. International security cooperation has had great impact on the geo - politics of the Middle East and South Asia, the progress of regionalism of security structures, and on America' s Middle East strat- egy. The re - construction of security in Afghanistan will not suffer a setback as Western militaries withdraw from the country, as its completion depends entirely on participation of and cooperation with the international community.
作者 闫伟
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2013年第2期56-67,共12页 South Asian Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"中东热点问题与联合国研究"(12JJD810009) 中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所哲学社会科学创新工程项目"中国对中东战略和大国与中东关系"和"西北大学研究生自主创新资助项目"(YZZ12109)的阶段性成果
关键词 国际社会 阿富汗 安全重建 地区安全 International Community rity Regional SecurityAfghanistan Re - Construction of Secu-
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