

Contention management model based on relativity-detection of conflicts
摘要 在无干扰特性下的软件事务存储系统中,竞争管理策略直接应用于冲突事务的消解,对具有整个系统的性能有直接的影响。针对现有竞争管理决策方式相对单一而产生的性能不稳定问题,提出了基于冲突相关性检测的竞争管理模型。该方法可以从过去的仲裁记录中分析冲突事务中存在的关联性,并把检测到的关联性作为当前冲突的决策依据,从而得到较优的冲突处理结果。在仿真平台采用该方法对部分基准数据结构的测试数据表明,该方法检测到并且帮助提交的冲突关联事务最多可占系统吞吐量的30%,其事务吞吐总量比其他参照对象的平均值高出约11%,具有较好的灵活度和适用性。 Contention Manager (CM), which is used for the resolution of conflicting transactions, plays a significant role in the obstruction-free software transactional memory. The relativity-detection contention management model was put forward to solve the problem that the existing contention management policies' performance is sensitive to their workloads. This model could detect and analyze the relativity of conflict from the past decision-making records, then took the relativity as the basis of the current arbitration,so that it helped to get more favorable resolution results. Two benchmarks were tested and the experimental results show that it has the advantages of being flexible and adaptable. The number of detected transactions, which is committed finally, can be accounted for up to 30% of the throughput of the system. Using this model, the total transaction throughput is about 11% higher than the other reference objecs.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期2051-2054,2062,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 软件事务存储 并行编程 同步 竞争管理 冲突消解 Software Transactional Memory (STM) parallel programming synchronization contention management conflict resolution
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