
通过主题阅读提升学生的阅读素养:理念、策略与实验探索 被引量:39

To Promote Students' Reading Literacy by Implementing Thematic Reading Activity: Conception,Strategy and Experimental Exploration
摘要 课堂中的精读教学主要教给学生阅读理解的基本技能和方法,而更全面地提升学生的阅读素养则还需通过开展广泛阅读来实现。根据阅读素养的要求和当前广泛阅读现状,主题阅读是值得我们研究、使用的重要方法。主题阅读活动以主题为核心组织阅读材料,开展互动交流,体现合作学习、社群互动、促进学习的评估等理念。通过实验研究证明,主题阅读活动对学生在阅读数量和广度、阅读兴趣、社群互动、理解能力等方面的表现都有积极的作用,是提升学生阅读素养的有效方法。 Intensive reading in class mainly cultivates students ability to comprehend, while extensive reading ensures a comprehensive development of students reading literacy. Thematic Reading Activity (TRA) in extensive reading will contribute to the knowledge and enhancement of students reading literacy. TRA encourages students to read extensively on a given theme or topic in a reading group, and then communicate with group members actively. It incorporates concepts of collaborative learning, community interaction and assessment for learning. Empirical data obtained from implementation of TRA demonstrate positive impacts in a number of fronts, including the quantity and variety of reading, students reading interest, community interaction, and comprehension ability, which prove TRA to be an effective method of cultivating students reading literacy.
作者 祝新华 廖先
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期101-106,157,共7页 Educational Research
基金 香港特别行政区教育局资助项目"提升小学生中文阅读能力研究:有效的学习 教学与评估策略研究报告"(项目编号:CD/CP/71-0827)的研究成果之一
关键词 阅读素养 主题阅读活动 阅读兴趣 社群互动 reading literacy, thematic reading activity, reading interests, community interaction
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