The contents and chemical speciation of Pb and Cr in the urban surface dusts taken from the Cheng- guan District of Lanzhou were analyzed by the flame atomic absorption spectrometer and Tessier sequential extraction methods. The results showed that the highest concentrations of Pb (120. 36 mg/kg) and Cr (108. 1 mg/kg) were found in the residential and commercial areas,respectively. The contents of Pb and Cr in surface dusts of Chengguan District were separately 5.34 and 1.35 times of the soil background values in Gansu Province. However, they still lower the mediate level of China in general. The Pb and Cr in the surface dusts of Chengguan District mainly occurred in a residual and Fe-Mn oxides state, the percentages of residual Pb and Cr in the dusts were 75.33% and 79.01%, respectively. The fraction of Cr speciation in dust was similar with that in soil, and Chengguan District suffered little influence from industrial pollution, so it could be speculated that Cr in dust mainly contributed from soil. The Cr con- tent in different sampling sites was similar and slightly higher than the background value, this might caused by the relative high Cr backgroud value of Gansu. Pb in all sampling sites reached the moderate pollution levels except in park green space (in midle pollution level). Generally speaking, the dusts in the Chengguan District of Lanzhou were mod- erately polluted by Pb and practically unpolluted by Cr.
Environmental Pollution & Control