
反垄断审查中的相关市场界定方法研究 被引量:6

On the Relevant Market Definition Methods during Anti-Monopoly Investigation:A Survey
摘要 相关市场界定是反垄断领域的核心问题。从经济学的角度全面系统地梳理了相关市场界定方法,将其归纳为三大类:一是早期案例中提出的方法,包括需求交叉弹性法、"合理的互换性"测试、"独特的特征和用途"测试和聚类市场法等;二是假定垄断者测试及其执行方法,包括临界损失分析、临界弹性分析、转移率分析、剩余需求分析和机会成本法;三是基于套利理论的方法,包括价格相关性检验和运输流量测试。这种梳理对有关各方更好地理解和运用这些方法,完善《关于相关市场界定的指南》具有重要的理论和现实意义。 The relevant market definition is a key issue in the antitrust area. This paper reviews the methods of defining relevant market systematically from economic perspective and classifies them into three groups: (1) the methods which are used in early cases, including the cross-elasticity of de-mand, the "reasonable interchangeability" test, the "unique characteristics and uses" test, and the clus-tered markets, etc; (2) HMT and its implementing methods, including critical loss analysis, critical e-lasticity analysis, diversion rate analysis, residual demand analysis and opporttmity cost method; (3) the methods which are based on arbitrage theory, including the price correlation test and transportation flow test. This study is of great significance both in theory and practice, which can help the parties concerned to understand and use these methods properly and improve the Guidelines on Relevant Market Definition.
出处 《当代财经》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期5-18,共14页 Contemporary Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"垄断认定过程中的相关市场界定的方法比较与应用研究"(12AZD099)
关键词 相关市场界定 假定垄断者测试 临界损失分析 价格相关性检验 运输流量测试 relevant market definition hypothetical monopolist test critical loss analysis price correlation test transportation flow measurement
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