在延边地区 3月中下旬采条、剪条、催根 ,4月中下旬扦插 ,加强插床管理 ,控制温湿度 ,其生根成活率可达 98%以上。到 6月中下旬起出移植到大田 ,其当年苗高可达 50~ 60 cm,可为第
In Yanbian, cuttings cultivation and rooting acceleration was done in the second and the last ten days of March and the cuttage was done in the second and last ten days of. The percentage of rooted cuttings and the survival rate of cutting seedlings could be up to 98 percent if cutting bed was well managed and the temperature and humidity were in good control. The height of the cutting seedlings could be up to 50-60cm in the current year after they were transplanted in the field in the second or the last ten days of June. The seedlings could be used for greening in the next year.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology