在2 kW微波等离子体化学气相沉积(MPCVD)装置中,采用CH4和H2作气源,在最佳生长工艺参数条件下,可重复制备出高质量的金刚石薄膜。金刚石薄膜晶粒表面平滑,无二次形核,晶粒取向单一,薄膜致密性好,而且金刚石拉曼峰的半高宽(FWHM)为7.5 cm-1左右,接近异质外延CVD金刚石膜中FWHM的最小值。在研究中用硅片做基底,分别在不同形核密度条件下进行金刚石薄膜的生长,从而进行形核密度对金刚石薄膜质量,晶粒取向以及薄膜表面形貌影响的研究。研究结果表明在合适的生长条件下,形核密度对金刚石薄膜的表面形貌影响较小,但对其质量有一定的影响。
High quality thin films can be produced reproducibly using H2/CH4 plasma with the optimum growth parameters of our 2kW microwave plasma CVD reactor.The thin films prepared in this system has very smooth crystalline facets free of second nucleation,the grain is a strong <111> fiber texture and the thin films are dense.The full width at half maximum(FWHM) of the diamond Raman peak is 7.5 cm-1,as narrow as that of the minimum value of heterogeneous epitaxial CVD diamond film.For this study,diamond films were grown on silicon substrates with different nucleation densities respectively.The effect of nucleation density on thin film quality,texture and surface morphology was studied.Our results suggest that under suitable growth conditions,nucleation density has little effect on film surface morphology and great influence on film quality.
Vacuum and Cryogenics