Field archaeology has dug out many kinds of remains from underground, there is no objection that these remains refer to some kind of history, but how to enter the historical linguistic category? Myths and legends and historical events are the main carrier about the value of the antiquities before the birth of modem archaeology, in fact, the two confirmed each other, is still an important manifestation of the ultimate value of archaeology so far. Trying to rebuild more vivacious history by means of science & technology and mode of design theory in the era of new archaeology and post-processual archaeology, All kinds of efforts apparently always break loose the remains attribution of archaeological object as a kind of “material object”. Actually, history has been numeric and symbolic from the beginning of “the version of three period” of the stone, bronze and iron which had been put forward by Thomsen, while it is the essential characteristic of historical description language of archaeology, which embodies a new spirit of the new history, and the numeric symbol element of the new history, that is the object attribution of archaeological remains.
Cultural Relics in Southern China
“the version of three period”, typology, archaeological culture, describe, explanation