When the mode of “grand narrative” in field of history has been replacing by breaking and fragmentary phenomena, “The Diary of Xia Nia” can not only offer us a good opportunity to understand the mind and thought of the great master, but doubtlessly serve as a significant “supplement” to Studies of modem history of scholarship as well as history itself. Meanwhile. Qian Zhongshu, who shares the similar background and experience, once published a famous novel “Fortress Besieged”. This paper has tried to make a mutually complementary reading of the above two works, expecting to understand 1930's and 1940's and the masters. Any written work of literature unavoidably bears a certain “perspective”. But if these “perspectives” could be interwoven with and complementary to each other, then the puzzle of “tile past” would become muhidimensional, thus more accurate.
Cultural Relics in Southern China
The Diary ofXia Nia, Fortress Besieged, mutually complementary reading, modern history of scholarship