

Review of study on Dengue virus-like particles vaccine
摘要 登革病毒引起的疾病是一种严重威胁人类健康的蚊媒性急性传染病。但至今仍没有获批准的疫苗可用。近年,一种新的病毒样颗粒(VLPs)能使免疫小鼠产生中和性抗体和持久、特异的T淋巴免疫记忆细胞。VLPs克服了传统疫苗的很多不足,具有较大应用潜力。 The infection caused by Dengue virus is an acute life-threatening mosquito-borne infectious disease. So far, an effective and safe vaccine for dengue is not yet available. Recently a new virus-like particles vaccine was developed which induces the vaccinated mice to produce neutralizing antibody, and long-lasting virus-specific mem- ory T lymphocytes. What more, it also can be widely explored by using yeast expression system. Its special priori- ties make it become a hopeful ideal dengue vaccine.
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期927-930,共4页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
关键词 登革病毒 病毒样颗粒 疫苗 蚊媒性传染病 dengue virus virus-like particles vaccine mosquito-borue infectious disease
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