目的分析膝关节色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎(PVNS)的超声与病理表现,提高超声对PVNS的诊断认识。方法回顾性分析16例经手术病理证实为PVNS患者膝关节的超声表现。结果 16例PVNS中超声提示仅4例显示膝关节内积液,滑膜增厚;12例关节不同程度积液,滑膜广泛增生显著,呈结节状或较大肿块状,其回声类型按高、低或混杂回声分别为3,2,11例;彩色多普勒血流成像示增厚滑膜内均可见较丰富血流信号;骨质、韧带侵蚀性改变分别为4,9例。病理特征为滑膜增厚呈结节状或绒毛状,有丰富的血管和大量含铁血黄素沉着。结论超声可用于PVNS的初筛、典型PVNS的诊断。
Objective To analyse the ultrasonographie characleristics of pigmented villnnodular synovitis of Ihe knee (PVNS). Methods The uhrasonographic characteristics of the knee joints of PVNS patients confirmed by patholo~?,' were retrt^speetively analyzed. Results Four of 16 cases showed the knee joint effusion anti synovial thickening. The other 12 cases showed joint effusion and varying degrees of synovial pn^lifemtion. Rich t)lund flow cunhl t^e detected in all proliferated synovit,m. The destruction of the bone and ligament were found in 4 and 9 cases respectively. The obvious proliferation of synovial lissue. Abundnant hemosiderin deposition and rich blood vessels were shown in the thickening synoviumor as f^und by pathoh)gy. Conclusion [Iltrasonogmphy can l)e used for the primal7 screening of PVNS and the diagnosis of typical PV NS.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine